Corporate Opportunities

The American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) is the professional organization for nephrology nurses. ANNA offers companies, hospitals, and other organizations a variety of marketing options that provide unique opportunities to present information about your products and services to nephrology nurses and health care professionals. ANNA invites you to take advantage of these marketing opportunities by becoming a Corporate Member, advertising in the Nephrology Nursing Journal, exhibiting at ANNA national meetings, program ad on main portal page, virtual page sponsorship, and partnering with ANNA to develop special projects.
ANNA welcomes the opportunity to partner with companies in developing special projects. Examples of special projects that are appropriate for corporate support and/or partnership are:
- Journal supplements to Nephrology Nursing Journal
- Sponsorship of nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) articles within Nephrology Nursing Journal
- Sponsorship of educational opportunities at ANNA's National Symposium and Fall Meeting
- Monographs
- NCPD programs for delivery to chapters
Corporate Members play a key role in ANNA's stability and growth, enabling ANNA to design programs and undertake projects that meet the Association's commitment to provide quality educational opportunities to the nephrology community. Corporate Members support ANNA in a variety of ways, such as contributing to ANNA's awards and scholarship program, exhibiting at national meetings, as well as providing grants to support educational and networking opportunities at these meetings. The Nephrology Nursing Journal also benefits from corporate participation through advertising, which provides valuable product information while supporting the costs of printing a quality journal.
Become a Corporate Member
ANNA invites companies and organizations to join ANNA as Corporate Members. The corporate membership year extends from January 1 to December 31. Corporate Members receive a variety of benefits, including recognition in the Nephrology Nursing Journal and the ANNA Update, on ANNA's website, and in various conference-related publications. Corporate Members also receive complimentary subscriptions to the ANNA Update and the Nephrology Nursing Journal, receive priority exhibit booth placement and special recognition at the ANNA National Symposium, and are eligible to rent ANNA's membership list (subject to policies in effect).
Levels of Corporate Support
- Corporate-Plus Membership for an annual contribution of $10,000
- Corporate Membership for an annual contribution of $5,000
- Sustaining Membership for an annual contribution of $2,500
The Nephrology Nursing Journal is the official publication of ANNA. It provides a forum for this vital health care specialty as ANNA strives to collectively fulfill its purpose to set forth and update high standards of patient care, educate its practitioners, stimulate research, disseminate new ideas through the field, promote interdisciplinary communication and cooperation, and address issues encompassing the practice of nephrology nursing.
The Nephrology Nursing Journal is published six times a year. It is a refereed clinical and scientific resource that provides current information on a wide variety of subjects to facilitate the practice of professional nephrology nursing. The Journal's purpose is to disseminate information on the latest advances in research, practice, and education to nephrology nurses to positively influence the quality of care they provide.
ANNA invites companies and organizations to enhance their sales and marketing programs among nephrology nurses by exhibiting their products and services at ANNA national meetings. Exhibitors have an opportunity to personally present their products and services to hundreds of nephrology nurses and health care professionals who make buying decisions. Nephrology nurses initiate product evaluations, purchase products for use, and provide direct patient care utilizing your products and services. Since nephrology nurses are genuinely interested in your products, but often are too busy in their work environment to spend effective time with your sales representatives, ANNA national meetings provide companies with valuable exposure within a learning environment. To maximize sales efforts, meeting schedules offer dedicated times for exhibits and targeted opportunities to talk to customers.
Nephrology Nursing Journal will accept line classified position available advertisements. Advertisements will appear within the next available issue of the Nephrology Nursing Journal. Copy can either be submitted online or emailed to
The fee is $250 net for up to 10 lines (40 characters per line) and $25 per line thereafter. All classified position available advertisements must be prepaid. You will be given the opportunity to submit your credit card information when you go through the website ad copy submission process. If you prefer to pay by check, please mail check (payable to Nephrology Nursing Journal) to Nephrology Nursing Journal Classified; East Holly Avenue/Box 56; Pitman, NJ 08071-0056.
Posting on ANNA's website is included for all classified advertisements at no extra charge within about 1 week of receipt (copy and prepayment) and will run for approximately 2 months.
For more information, please contact Susan Iannelli, Marketing Manager, Advertising, at 856-256-2376,