Write for the Journal
The Nephrology Nursing Journal is the official publication of the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA). The Nephrology Nursing Journal is a refereed clinical and scientific publication that provides current information on a wide variety of subjects to facilitate the practice of professional nephrology nursing. Its purpose is to disseminate information on the latest advances in research, practice, and education to nephrology nurses and to positively influence the quality of care provided.
The Nephrology Nursing Journal welcomes both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts and suggestions for articles. Manuscript queries should be submitted to BethTUlrich@gmail.com. All materials must be original and submitted for the exclusive use of the Nephrology Nursing Journal.
Manuscript submissions to Nephrology Nursing Journal should be sent to nephrologynursing@ajj.com. Author guidelines are available below.
Author Guidelines
- NNJ Author Guidelines (includes department guidelines)
- NNJ Author Packet (to be completed by each author)
- NNJ Style Guide
- KDIGO Nomenclature (May 2020)
- Permission Form/Releases