All your answers regarding ANNA in one spot...
What are the benefits of ANNA membership?
Click here for a complete list of ANNA membership benefits.
What are the ANNA membership options and rates?
Click here for a description of membership categories and dues structure.
How do I join ANNA, or renew my membership?
Join ANNA and renew your current membership on the Join or Renew page, or by downloading the membership application and returning the completed form with payment to the ANNA National Office: anna@annanurse.org; fax 856-589-7463; or mail: 200 East Holly Avenue, Sewell, NJ 08080. If you are currently an ANNA member, a renewal notice will be sent to you via email and mail.
How do I view and update my ANNA account information online?
To view or update your ANNA account information, log in to www.annanurse.org. Once logged in, navigate to "My Account." The next screen will display your account information, including your membership expiration date, member number, and chapter assignment. You can update your information on this page and manage your volunteer profile and password. Click here for a tutorial on how to update your account preferences.
How do I print my ANNA membership card?
Follow these steps to print your membership card:
- Go to www.annanurse.org and log in with the email address and password you used to join ANNA.
- Once logged in, click on My Account at the top right or go to Account / Member Card under Members Only on the Resources tab.
- Click the Member Card button at the top left of your account profile page to load and print your membership card.
What are SPNs, and how can I join/participate?
ANNA has 9 Specialty Practice Networks (SPNs): Acute Care, Administration, Advanced Practice, Chronic Kidney Disease, Educator, Hemodialysis, Home Therapies, Pediatrics, and Transplantation. SPN participation is a benefit of ANNA membership. SPNs enable ANNA members to connect and network with colleagues with similar interests, including online via ANNA Connected and in person via SPN Networking Sessions at the annual ANNA National Symposium. ANNA members can belong to/participate in as many SPNs as they choose. Go to SPN Central for more information, including how to manage your SPN participation.
Who is eligible to apply for the awards, scholarships, and grants offered by ANNA?
An applicant/nominee for an ANNA award, scholarship, or grant must be a current full member of ANNA, having been a member for a minimum of the last 2 years for an award nomination or 1 year for a scholarship application as of the application/nomination deadline. Unless otherwise noted, the application/nomination deadline is October 15. The deadline for Research Grants is November 15. For additional information and specific eligibility criteria for each award click here. For scholarship and grant information, click here.
How do I become a member of a local ANNA chapter?
As an ANNA member, you are automatically assigned to the closest geographic chapter, based on your zip code. There are no extra fees, and you are encouraged to connect and participate in local programs held by your assigned chapter. (View a list of chapters by state.) To determine which ANNA chapter you have been assigned to, log in to www.annanurse.org. Once logged in, navigate to My account and click on Click here to update your profile information. Your ANNA chapter is listed under MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION.
Can I join more than one ANNA chapter?
You can only be affiliated with one ANNA chapter as a member, but you are welcome to participate in programs provided by any ANNA chapter at any time. If you live or work near more than one ANNA chapter, you are encouraged to connect with those chapters. View a list of chapters by state. Use the links provided to email a chapter.
How do I change my local ANNA chapter affiliation?
If you wish to change your chapter affiliation, contact ANNA at anna@annanurse.org.
How do I find a chapter and/or contact a chapter officer?
To locate a chapter, go to Find an ANNA Chapter and select Find an ANNA Chapter Near You. Search for chapters by state. The listing includes cities to help you narrow down the search results. Chapter president contact information is listed in red to the right of each entry.
Can I start a new ANNA chapter?
Learn how to start an ANNA chapter and begin sharing the benefits of ANNA with nurses in your community.
Are there online resources for chapter officers?
ANNA provides numerous online resources to support our chapter officers. See Chapter Officers Only for a list of resources and FAST 15 for a list of short videos available for quick chapter education. In addition to the online resources, ANNA provides direct support for chapter officers through members of the ANNA Chapter Support Team.
The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC) develops, implements, coordinates, and evaluates all aspects of the nephrology nursing certification and recertification processes. For all questions regarding certification or recertification, contact NNCC.
How can I earn contact hours?
ANNA provides many opportunities to earn contact hours, including national educational meetings, publications, the Nephrology Nursing Journal, and the Online Library. Local ANNA chapters also occasionally host educational meetings. Go to Educational Activities for more information.
I have earned contact hours through ANNA activities. How do I obtain a contact hour transcript?
ANNA members can view completed education online and print a transcript for FREE. Log in to www.annanurse.org, navigate to My Account, and click on My ANNA Credits and Transcript. Click on Download Custom Contact Hour Transcript and enter the time frame for the credit you would like to view. A custom transcript will download in PDF format.
Does ANNA host national conferences?
ANNA hosts national educational conferences every year. The ANNA National Symposium is held in the spring, and the Nephrology Nursing Summit is held in the fall. Click on the links below for additional information.
How do I subscribe to the Nephrology Nursing Journal?
All ANNA members receive a free subscription to the Nephrology Nursing Journal, ANNA's official journal, which is published six times a year. Individuals and institutions may subscribe to the journal. Click here for journal subscription rates.
How do I access articles from past issues of the Nephrology Nursing Journal?
Nephrology Nursing Journal articles (2000 to current) are available in the ANNA Online Library. ANNA members have free access to the journal articles. Nonmembers can access journal content for a fee. Click here to go to the journal article archive in the Online Library. Nephrology Nursing Journal is also indexed in document delivery services, and full-text archives can be obtained through these services. Click here for a list and links to journal document delivery service companies.
Is there a digital edition of the Nephrology Nursing Journal? How do I access it?
An electronic edition of the journal is available to ANNA members only. To access the electronic edition, go to www.annanurse.org/education-events/publications/nephrology-nursing-journal and click View the Electronic Edition. You will be prompted to provide your ANNA member login to access the electronic edition.
Does the Nephrology Nursing Journal offer contact hours?
Yes, each issue of the journal includes content that offers contact hours. For more information about obtaining contact hours for journal articles, read this article and complete the evaluation process in the ANNA Online Library.
How do I update my account to opt in (or out of) printed copies of the Nephrology Nursing Journal?
Click here for a tutorial.
ANNA's Online Library features online educational opportunities. You do not need to be an ANNA member to use the Online Library, although ANNA members receive special benefits and discounts in the Online Library. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about the Online Library.
ANNA Connected is an online social and professional networking resource exclusively for ANNA members. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about ANNA Connected.
The ANNA Open Forum is an online discussion group designed to help you connect with friends and colleagues within ANNA. The Open Forum is part of ANNA Connected.
How do I purchase an ANNA publication or product?
Purchase ANNA products (and view a list of available products) by going to the online Shop, or by downloading the product order form and returning the completed form with payment to the ANNA National Office: anna@annanurse.org; fax 856-589-7463; or mail: 200 East Holly Avenue, Sewell, NJ 08080.
Must I be an ANNA member to place an order?
You do not need to be an ANNA member to purchase a product, although ANNA members receive many discounts on ANNA products and services. Click here for a complete list of ANNA membership benefits.
I have a question or concern about an order. Who should I contact?
If you have questions about an order, or If your order is missing or incomplete, contact the ANNA National Office at 888-600-2662.
I would like to return an order. Who should I contact?
For all returns, please contact the ANNA National Office at 888-600-2662 prior to shipping the item and be sure to include a photocopy of your original packing slip with the return. Shipping costs are not refundable. Printed materials may be returned to ANNA within 30 days of the date of purchase for a full refund of the purchase price provided they are in original, saleable condition, including shrink wrapping. If the printed material is not in original, saleable condition, a restocking fee of 15% will be assessed.
Does ANNA accept purchase orders?
All orders must be prepaid by check, money order, or credit card prior to shipment. If you are ordering for a hospital or other institution and need to make a check request, contact the ANNA National Office at 888-600-2662 to request a pro-forma invoice.
For more information, review ANNA's Terms and Conditions of Sale.
If you have additional questions, complete the online Contact Us form and a staff member will respond to you within 2 business days.
This membership option enables you to select how you would like to receive your copies of ANNA’s bimonthly newsletter and journal. “Go Green” and receive electronic editions only of the ANNA Update and the Nephrology Nursing Journal. The electronic editions provide a mobile-friendly reading experience, enabling you to access the newsletter and journal anywhere, anytime on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
When you renew your ANNA membership, you can opt to receive both the printed copies AND the electronic versions of the newsletter and journal. Or you may select the “Go Green” option and choose to receive ONLY the electronic editions of these publications.
To exercise this option at any time during your membership cycle, simply update your ANNA member account (view tutorial/instructions below). Or you may may contact the ANNA National Office to request a staff member to adjust your membership account. Likewise, if you have second thoughts and would like to resume delivery of the printed copies of ANNA publications, you can notify the National Office to adjust your membership status to enable receipt of printed materials in the future.