About the Journal
The Nephrology Nursing Journal is designed to meet the educational and information needs of nephrology nurses in a variety of roles at all levels of practice. It also serves as a source for nonnephrology nurses. Its content expands the knowledge base for nephrology nurses, stimulates professional growth, guides research-based practice, presents new technological developments, and provides a forum for review of critical issues promoting the advancement of nephrology nursing practice.
NNJ has been vetted by the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE) and is included in the INANE Nursing Journal Directory.
The Nephrology Nursing Journal is the official publication of the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA). The Nephrology Nursing Journal has seen many changes through the years and has even had four different titles during its long and distinguished history. The association’s official publication began in 1974 as The Journal of the American Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians, when the organization was known as AANNT. That title was shortened in 1980 the to AANNT Journal, before changing over to the ANNA Journal in 1985 when the organization became known as the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA). Finally, the publication became known as the Nephrology Nursing Journal in February 2000 to reflect the journal’s global goal to reach readers within ANNA as well as those outside the organization and the specialty.
The publication has had five different editors throughout its tenure, including current Editor-in-Chief Beth Ulrich, EdD, RN, FACHE, FAAN.
Beth Ulrich, EdD, RN, FACHE, FAAN
Pearland, TX
Beth Ulrich is a nationally recognized nursing leader who is known for her research on nursing work environments and the experiences of new graduate nurses as they transition into the workforce as well as for her leadership in developing the roles of nephrology nurses and improving the care of nephrology patients. Beth began her nephrology nursing career in 1972 and served ANNA as Secretary, Southeast Vice President, and President (1984-1985). She was recognized for her contributions to ANNA in 2009 when she was awarded “The Outstanding Contribution to ANNA Award."
Associate Editor
Jennifer E. Payton, MHCA, BSN, RN, CNN
Jennifer E. Payton, MHCA, BSN, RN, CNN, is Director of Regulatory Compliance for the National Dialysis Accreditation Commission.
Statements of Disclosure
Authors, NNJ Editor, NNJ Editorial board, content reviewers and ANNA Director of Education Services reported no relevant financial relationships in relation to this nursing professional development (NCPD) activity.
Paula Dutka has disclosed that she is a coordinator of Clinical Trials for the following sponsors: Amgen, Rockwell Medical, Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Akebia Therapeutics, and Dynavax Technologies.
Board Members
Jami S. Brown, DHEd, MSN, RN, CNN
Jami S. Brown is an associate professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
Jean Colaneri, ACNP-BC, CNN
Department Editor: Nephrology Nursing Roundtable
Jean Colaneri is a nurse practitioner at Albany Medical Center Hospital in Albany, NY.
Paula Dutka, MSN, RN, CNN
Department Editor: Professional Issues, What's New in Nephrology
Paula Dutka is Director of Education/Research Nephrology Network at Winthrop-University Hospital in Long Island, NY.
Mary S. Haras, PhD, MBA, APN, NP-C, CNN
Mary S. Haras is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at Georgetown University School of Nursing in Washington, DC.
Lori Harwood, PhD, RN(EC), CNeph(C)
Lori Harwood is a nurse practitioner at the Adam Linton Hemodialysis Unit, Victoria Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, in London, Ontario, Canada.
Amber Paulus, PhD, RN, CPHQ, CPPS
Amber Paulus is the Senior Director, Value Based Care – Clinical Operations, KidneyLink; and an Assistant Professor, Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems, School of Nursing, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
Lucy Todd, MSN, ACNP, CNNe
Lucy Todd is Senior Principal Medical Liason, Retired, with Baxter Healthcare, in Asheville, NC.