ANNA Connected
ANNA Connected
ANNA Connected is an online social and professional networking resource exclusively for ANNA members. This resource is designed to make your experience as an ANNA member more valuable while providing you the opportunity to network and collaborate with your peers.
- Belonging – You are automatically part of any existing ANNA community of which you are a member (chapter, Specialty Practice Network [SPN], etc.) so you will begin enjoying the capabilities immediately.
- Connecting – Search for members in your area and make connections with professionals who share similar interests and goals.
- Communicating – If you are part of a committee, SPN, etc., sign up for the associated Discussion Group to receive the latest information and communicate with other members of the group.
- Sharing – Chapters, committees, SPNs, and other groups can upload files and collaborate online.
View a video about navigating ANNA Connected.
Read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about ANNA Connected.
Getting Started
Go to www.annanurse.org/connected and click on the “Help” tab. Detailed instructions will help you navigate through the site. In addition, below are resource sheets you can download and keep as a handy resource as you navigate ANNA Connected.